Kapama Game Preserve

Such a great first week here in South Africa.  We have been exploring the area, resting and preparing for the excitement of a few nights on safari Wed-Friday.  Last night we experienced an evening at the Kapama Game Preserve which offers a Covid special - a 3-hour game drive and a 5-course dinner including wine for about $50.  Really a GREAT value.   I am continuing to do the work of melting into 'being' and releasing 'doing'.  In reality sometimes this 'being' is not as easy as I would like it to be. 

 I have often spoken of change and how much most human beings resist anything even resembling significant disruptions in our routine and comfort level.  I am pretty sure I am working on the mastery of living jin the zone of disrupted comfort.  There is a slight difference if the change is self-induced versus induced by some seemingly external forces like another person or circumstance.  In my case, my stroke this past November was the facilitator of great change since, at least for the time being, left me as one who should not be driving and once again re-inventing how I work in the world.   I also love to talk about how we are designed to create 'something out of nothing' which is our innate capacity to architect a life of our own design with a present to future orientation, rather than past to future orientation. So that is what I am working with as I move out of those changes and into a future which first makes me happy and secondly with has meaning and fulfillment.  South Africa is a wonderful place to just "be" and I am working with the questions of how I express my purpose and passion in this lovely land.

Starting this Saturday I am drawn to begin the sharing of the essays contained in the books "Conversations That Matter:Insights and Distinctions" written by the Landmark Forum Leaders.  These essays are not so much spiritual as they are philosophical --but then again I am more of a philosopher than a spiritualist myself!  Our first exploitation will be the essay "If I weren't my past, who would I be?" written by Nancy Zapolski, PH.D.  Please join me on Saturday at 9am EST followed by an opportunity to connect on Zoom immediately following.

As always you can email or WhatsApp me directly at revdschubert@gmail.com.  Join me on Facebook Live at 9am EST.   Begin to explore for yourself where you are in 'being' vs. 'doing' and in contemplating who you might be if you had no past. 

Enjoy the pictures from our game drive last night.  These stunning creatures bring me more joy and happiness than can be conveyed in this writing but I am sure you can appreciate them nonetheless.  Keep in mind that your coming to South Africa is an option for you at any moment while I am here.  Easier and less expensive than you think.  

Love, love and more love,

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/A-Life-of-Spiritual-Power-106836340982992
Zoom ID:  https://zoom.us/j/4792839409

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