The Great Arrival

The ship has landed! The wheels touched down in Hoedspruit, South Africa at 11am this morning.
We had a glorious day of settling in. Though my luggage is still not here – but I am assured it will be available for my retrieval at the Hoedspruit airport tomorrow morning at 11:25. Needless to say, the very though causes me to swoon with joy.
We are here at Bush Baby Haven until our first 3-night Safari on Saturday.  Being at the house is like a safari every day.  In addition to the beautiful Kudu in this picture, we have seen duiker (antelope), warthogs, baboons, vervet monkeys, impala, dwarf mongoose and the gorgeous go-away bird.  That is simply 1/2 of the day.  We are planning a game drive and dinner in the bush on Thursday, and a trip to the elephant orphanage on Wednesday.

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