Changing Course

"Life is a matter of choices and every choice you make, makes you." ~John Maxwell


Blessings everyone!

Just returned from a delightful trip to the Chacma Bush Camp with my dear friends Eileen and Vinny from North Carolina.  Absolutely amazing animal sightings -- lion, elephant, hyena, just to name a few.  The food was amazing and the lodging so nice.  

My spiritual slant this trip had to do with being willing to shift gears and change direction at any moment.  This came about because we were on our way to a much anticipated drive to the river for a hippo-day, when 10 lions walked out of the bush while we stopped for a brief moment to check out a watering hole.  We had to make a decision -- continue to the river or spend the evening with the lions.  We chose the lions.  

But doesn't this also happen in our life.  We have a plan.  We have committed to the plan.  And nothing can deter us from reaching our goal.  But wait!  Something else pops up along the way.  Do we stop long enough to see it?  Do we consider a change of plans?  Should we?  I have found for myself that I love having a plan and almost always do have one.  However, every once in awhile, LIFE has a different plan.  Sometimes we say that we make plans and then God laughs.  Have you ever gotten a gentle nudge that says turn left instead of right.  Stay home instead of going?  I do think that our Higher Self is constantly giving us information not of this world that if noticed, observed and possible obeyed - will take us where we are meant to go.

"Your life changes the moment you make a new, congruent, committed decision." ~ Tony Robbins


This coming Saturday morning, I am happy to continue exploring the path of conscious evolution and talking a bit more about  following the spiritual sign-posts along the way.  Getting in touch with our authentic Self requires our attention, willingness and flexibility as we navigate this amazing earth-walk we are taking.  Hope to see you tomorrow at 9am EST...

Much love, Denise

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