Vision Comes First
“A vision is not just a picture of what could be; it is an appeal to our better selves, a call to become something more.” – Rosabeth Moss Kanter
“To the person who does not know where he wants to go there is no favorable wind.” – Seneca
Vision Leads The Way
I had a wonderful 4-nights at the Shindzela Tented Camp this past week. As you can see from the photos, many wonderful sightings. My favorite were the Wild Dogs. 10 adults and 7 puppies. They are a beautiful and endangered species so it was a real treat to see them. Of course you can never beat a leopard in a tree - just about as good as Africa gets. All in all a wonderful trip.
Today, I am contemplating how important it is for our well-being and happiness to put a wanted-future out in front of us. I think that one reason Covid was so hard on people, and one reason why aging or retirement is so hard on people -- is because a future becomes harder to envision . Regardless of our age, financial status or physical health, it is essential that we are holding a vision for ourselves - out in front so that we can always be moving in the direction of fulfillment.
Most of us, most of the time, don't really think outside of our box. It is quite normal to assess our current circumstances and then create a plan that seems reasonable given the circumstances we are living in. Obviously there is nothing wrong with that approach, it certainly mitigates any serious disappointment or let-downs. But for me, I am not so sure that living from that perspective is how our unconquerable Spirit would have us live. I always encourage everyone I know to ask "What do I really, really, really, really want?" The question is the deepest question because it begins to allow for the deepest response. It could be asked, "If you had unlimited resources, lots of time, gobs of support and knew you could not fail, what then would you really really really really want?" A much different question. It is not really important if it is not possible at this moment in time. It doesn't really matter if your logical mind is telling you not to reach that high. What is important is to give your deepest longings and desires some space in your heart and in your mind. Make your largest vision welcomed in your awareness. I believe that this is the first step to manifesting a bigger life than you ever thought possible.
I think this is on my heart because I am rounding a bend here in South Africa and will be returning home in about 7 weeks. It is feeling like the time that my next chapter is wanting to be written and since I know that I am the author of my own book, it falls on me to write it. Exciting really. So as I share with you, I am indeed talking to myself and beginning to ask the deeper question in order to get the deepest answer. What I know is that ultimately the moving of molecules into experiences and circumstances is the end result of dreaming and believing.
Enjoy the pictures. Until next time!
Love, love and more love,
Just letting you know that due to my hectic schedule between now and my return home, I have prayerfully decided to put the live stream on hiatus! Look forward to Rev. Denise from Florida starting in October. Between now and then, enjoy the weekly blog.
Much love, Rev. D
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