The Back Nine

“You miss 100% of the shots you never take.” ~ Wayne Gretzky

Blessings everyone.  So great to be connecting with you on this glorious Friday morning from the African Bush. My sister Janell is here with me and we completed our evening game drive at the Kapama Game Reserve last night.  My animal report this morning is so good with two spectacular sightings. One is a beautiful endangered species, the Ground Hornbill.    They are quite rare to spot these days with many programs taking place attempting to ensure their continued existence. To see 5 of them at one time and so close is a real treat.  We also had a fabulous sighting of three rhinos.  They were gorgeous and having a great deal of  fun playing in a water hole. There could easily come a time when they will be extinct so it is always a great honor and privilege to be in the company of them. 

I am also extremely happy to report this week that my hip and leg are 100% back to normal.  I am walking - maybe even skipping a little with no pain whatsoever. This is very good news.  I would actually say  hat my overall health took a quantum leap for the better this past week and the future is once again swelling with possibility.

But, I am still deep in the conversation with myself about the fact that I am in last quarter of my life - or the final third - or now the back-nine. Based on the average life-expectancy of 81 years for an American woman, that translates into having started the last quarter at 60 or my final third at  54.  Either way of course, there are more days behind me than there are in front of me.  I, by the way, love this conversation and feel no morbidity, fear or awkwardness a bout it.  As with every year of life, I personally desire to be living a life of spiritual power -- authentic, meaningful, and happy .  At 70, I suppose I might add in comfortable as well.

A dear friend of mine this week introduced me to the concept of the "back-nine".  This term refers to the last 9 holes on of an 18-hole golf course.  I can't resist the urge to continue the analogy as it pertains to a lifetime.  The back nine of an 81-year life would start at age 72.  For whatever reason, I AM currently in deep contemplation, meditation and reflection of what it means to be nearing the completion of this human life.  No matter how hard I might try, my thoughts continue to move into those reflections.   I will more than likely continue to speak of the process moving forward.

I have completed the deconstruction of a material existence for the most part.  I have forgiven everyone, I am not afraid of dying, I no longer really care too much what you think of me – what else?  Well I do still care way to much about how much I weigh and wrinkles. I am totally invested in physical comfort – good beds, great bras (or no bras), a bath tub and pleasing things to see eat and do. I do think it is a relevant, necessary and important conversation to open up and engage in.  To move out of an ego-centric life to a spirit-centric life is important for all of us regardless of age, for the continuation of our species, the continuation of all species and the planet itself.  If we don't replace hate with love, and fear with faith -- not too much will ever change really.   Because this is true, I will continue to speak to the path of spiritual awakening always and will continue the dialog and conversation about the process of aging and dying from a spiritual perspective.  What are your thoughts about your own place in the circle of life?

"Some people die at 25 and aren't buried until they are 75." ~Benjamin Franklin

This coming Saturday morning,  we will continue to explore the pathway of conscious evolution.  Regardless of how old you are or where we are in life, there is always more love, more happiness, more joy and more consciousness to explore.    This is transformative work and hope you are able to join me.

Love, Denise

Join me Saturday morning  at 9am EST on Facebook and YouTube Live

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"To live is the rarest thing of all. Most people exist, that is all." ~Oscar Wilde

One Comment

  1. May 20, 2022

    What can I say?! A wonderful entry beautifully and compellingly illustrated and one that’s imbued with the honesty and depth of your search.

    As for seeking and living the spiritual and non-material, at 74, I hope I’m on my way. I’m so happy you’re finding great Peace and completion in your own process. You and your teachings are a great inspiration to me.

    Please say ‘hello’ to Janell. I hope to meet The Three Sisters someday.

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