Chacma Game Reserve

Blessings everyone,

Finally got a bit of wi-fi to let you know how it is going out here in the African Bush. We are currently at the Chacma Game Reserve which is about an hour from our home base at Bush Baby Haven. It is a rustic camp with lots of local elephants and it is just the three of us so is quite fun. We left camp this morning at 7am for a 3 hour game drive and ran across a pride of lions β€” 10 of them. It is quite unusual to see lions up and about since they hunt at night and mostly sleep all day. So it was fun to see them drinking water and moving about. The lions were sprinkled in with some buffalo, a giraffe and a few beautiful birds.

Every day is pretty much the same on safari. You wake early, have coffee, go for a 3-hour drive come back and have breakfast. Then until the 2nd drive at 3pm we sit around the pool, have lunch and take naps. Hard life right?

For our afternoon game drive, we will be heading out to a river about 90 minutes from here. We are hoping to see hippo and more elephant of course. We all have a crazy dream to see Wild Dogs so keep your fingers crossed.

Today is September 12th β€” we left the states on September 3rd so have been here 9-days. It feels quite far from home and I feel as if I have been away from home for a very long time. A little homesickness is creeping in but way too soon since still 2-weeks and 16 game drives to go β€”

I hope it is cooling off for you and that everyone is having a good time in the community. I miss you all.


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